If you ask “the interwebs” if ovarian cysts cause infertility, you’ll be led down a windy, confusing road of Yes…No…Maybe? Truthfully, it is impossible to answer this question with a simple yes or no because the definition of “cyst” is so broad. A cyst is any fluid-filled sack. Some are completely benign and don't cause any negative symptoms, while others can be problematic due to their size, impact on hormones, or even malignancy.  To help us understand the different types of cysts and how they can affect fertility, we spoke to Levica H. Narine, MD, FACOG,...

Johanna Modak • May 14, 2024

If you struggle with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), you have probably tried everything imaginable to help manage your symptoms. But what if an effective treatment for PCOS was already widely available, without any major side effects? It turns out that a decades-old diabetes medication has quietly emerged as a promising treatment for women with PCOS and other "off-label" conditions.  So, what is metformin, exactly, and is it truly a miracle treatment option for PCOS? Let’s discuss.  What is metformin? Metformin is no new kid on the block: it has been used as a first-line treatment for...

Erin Pettis • Apr 9, 2024

Dealing with irregular periods can be frustrating, especially when you’re trying to expand your family.  The typical methods for calculating ovulation may be less precise when dealing with an unpredictable cycle. However, you can still use them to gain a rough estimate of when you might be ovulating. We’re here to help guide you through the mysteries of your monthly cycle and provide some helpful tips on identifying that elusive fertile window. The role of ovulation in conception Making a baby is like a science experiment. The right ingredients must align precisely at the right moment,...

Blair Sharp • Mar 6, 2024

About 1 in 10 people in the U.S. have the hormonal condition polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Given its prevalence, there are thousands of blogs, forums, and social media accounts that share what they think is the best option for treatment. One question that pops up a lot? How effective hysterectomies can be for PCOS. Hysterectomy is one of the most common surgeries for people with uteruses in the U.S. But unlike some other treatment options, hysterectomies make pregnancy impossible. So, for those of us who want kids, the surgery may not be the right move. Still…...

Sarah duRivage-Jacobs • Jan 29, 2024

PCOS — or polycystic ovary syndrome — is an endocrine (hormonal) condition that comes with a plethora of unwelcome symptoms. Specifically, PCOS occurs when the body’s ovaries create a higher-than-normal level of hormones called androgens. From fertility problems to irregular periods, to headaches and pelvic pain, to excess body hair, anyone living with PCOS knows that the condition is certainly not a walk in the park. One of the side effects you may have heard of is “PCOS belly." But what exactly is PCOS belly, and what differentiates it from other types of weight gain? PCOS and weight gain:...

Lindsey Williams • Jan 22, 2024

As someone who struggles with hormonal acne, I’m no stranger to treatments and products that promise to clear my skin and fix my life, and believe me when I say I have tried them all: harsh, burning peels that left my face angry and red, facials, extractions, topical antibiotics, and just about every spot treatment and medicated cleanser on the shelf at CVS.  But the one thing that has helped my skin the most? Talking to my dermatologist about PCOS. She told me to drop the acids and instead prescribed spironolactone, a pill to treat the...

Erin Pettis • Jan 20, 2024

Anyone with PCOS symptoms knows that living with the menstrual condition is a juggling act. One day, you’re worried about your insulin resistance issues, while another day, you may be thinking about the long-term impacts the condition may have on your life.  For instance, according to the CDC, PCOS puts over 5 million women at risk for longer-term conditions, like infertility, type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, or high levels of “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. These are all important facts to know, but often, for those who struggle with PCOS, the fear of what can happen in the...

Vivian Nunez • Jan 15, 2024

Upon immediately reading this, you might think these conditions are completely unrelated: One has to do with your brain, and the other has to do with your ovaries. They may seem like they affect completely separate systems in the body, but Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) are more intertwined than you think. If you already have both conditions, you know exactly what we’re talking about.  Just ask Kristyn Hodgdon, co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Rescripted, who has both PCOS and ADHD and discovered these diagnoses as an adult (a common experience for...

Mara Santilli • Jan 15, 2024

CLOMID® is the brand name of the generic oral medication clomiPHENE citrate, a commonly prescribed fertility drug taken to stimulate the release of hormones vital for egg and follicle development and support. In layman’s terms, Clomid helps you ovulate, thus increasing the possibility of becoming pregnant.  According to myclomid.com, Clomid works by tricking your brain, in a way. The medication hinders the brain’s ability to sense your estrogen levels. The brain then responds by sending more follicle-stimulating hormones (FSH) for egg growth. When that happens, it triggers the follicles in the ovaries to produce mature eggs...

Sarene Leeds • Jan 11, 2024

Thanks to “Dr. Google,” it is all too easy nowadays for people (read: non-medical professionals) to attempt their own diagnoses. When it comes to Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), for example, one quick “PCOS self-assessment” Google search results in countless “Do I Have PCOS?” questionnaires. PCOS occurs when the ovaries produce an abnormal amount of androgens (aka male sex hormones), usually resulting in numerous small cysts. This condition is one of the more common causes of infertility in women, and unfortunately, there is no cure — although treatments are available to help reduce symptoms and prevent other health...

Sarene Leeds • Jan 10, 2024