If you ask “the interwebs” if ovarian cysts cause infertility, you’ll be led down a windy, confusing road of Yes…No…Maybe? Truthfully, it is impossible to answer this question with a simple yes or no because the definition of “cyst” is so broad. A cyst is any fluid-filled sack. Some are completely benign and don't cause any negative symptoms, while others can be problematic due to their size, impact on hormones, or even malignancy.  To help us understand the different types of cysts and how they can affect fertility, we spoke to Levica H. Narine, MD, FACOG,...

Johanna Modak • May 14, 2024

If you ask “the interwebs” if ovarian cysts cause infertility, you’ll be led down a windy, confusing road of Yes…No…Maybe? Truthfully, it is impossible to answer this question with a simple yes or no because the definition of “cyst” is so broad. A cyst is any fluid-filled sack. Some are completely benign and don't cause any negative symptoms, while others can be problematic due to their size, impact on hormones, or even malignancy.  To help us understand the different types of cysts and how they can affect fertility, we spoke to Levica H. Narine, MD, FACOG,...

Johanna Modak • May 14, 2024

If you ask “the interwebs” if ovarian cysts cause infertility, you’ll be led down a windy, confusing road of Yes…No…Maybe? Truthfully, it is impossible to answer this question with a simple yes or no because the definition of “cyst” is so broad. A cyst is any fluid-filled sack. Some are completely benign and don't cause any negative symptoms, while others can be problematic due to their size, impact on hormones, or even malignancy.  To help us understand the different types of cysts and how they can affect fertility, we spoke to Levica H. Narine, MD, FACOG,...

Johanna Modak • May 14, 2024

No amount of preparation, no number of birth stories, no level of research can fully prepare you for the reality of having a baby and going through the postpartum period. There’s a prevailing narrative about the experience: That those first few weeks after you welcome your baby are just blissful. Exhausting, yes, but blissful.  People refer to the day they gave birth and the weeks following it as the best, most magical times in their life. They talk about falling madly, instantly in love.  That’s the narrative that’s considered socially acceptable, but it’s not the only...

Zara Hanawalt • May 9, 2024

Mental health is a part of whole health, even during pregnancy. While parts of a pregnancy may spark joy and immense gratitude, some triggers can surface or exacerbate mental health conditions.   Everything from family history to past personal history with mental health conditions could make an individual more likely to experience perinatal mental conditions, explains Dr. Meggie Smith, Attending Physician at Nashville Fertility Center.  According to studies, it’s 1 in 5 birthing individuals who will be diagnosed with perinatal mental health conditions during pregnancy.  Dr. Sarah Oreck, MS, Reproductive psychiatrist and the CEO and co-founder of...

Vivian Nunez • May 7, 2024

Whether you’ve Googled this late at night or texted a friend in a panic, we’ve all tried to find the quick and easy answer to this question at one point or another.  The short answer: 8 hours. Why? Because after 8 hours, your risk of infection increases. To err on the side of caution, however, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends you change your tampon every 4-6 hours.  What happens if you leave a tampon in for too long? Just as we’ve all wondered about how long we can keep a tampon in, we’ve also...

Brighid Flynn • May 6, 2024

Let’s say it a few times together and get it out of the way: Butt cramps. Butt cramps. Butt cramps! Whew. Okay. We all know that menstrual cramps are an expected (if unpleasant) part of having a period. As many as 80% of women experience period cramps in their lifetime, with 5-10% of women experiencing cramps so painful that it disrupts their ability to go to work or school.  Although cramps feel different to everyone and can range in severity, most people experience dull, throbbing cramps in their lower abdomen during their luteal phase, just before...

Erin Pettis • May 6, 2024

If you have a family member with endometriosis, you know it’s more than just a bad period.  You’ve seen firsthand how chronic pain affects someone’s quality of life — and the toll it takes on their mental health. It’s natural to wonder if you’ll experience something similar too. Here’s what we know: Your risk increases if you have a close family member with endometriosis. More research is needed to fully understand the link between genetics and the condition, but if you have a family history, there are steps you can take to stay ahead of it....

Alexa Davidson • Apr 26, 2024

“I imagined myself getting hit by a school bus and not caring, because at least that meant I could rest.” –Erin Sarris, 40, content strategist and infertility children’s book author “My thoughts ranged from wondering how I could break a leg just to ‘get a few days away’ to picturing myself pushing the stroller into the middle of an intersection.” –Frenchie Ferenczi, 35, consultant “I went into labor seven weeks early with my first. It's not surprising that when I did the postpartum ‘Are you at risk of postpartum depression’ survey, I was flagged as a...

Sarene Leeds • Apr 26, 2024

There are two, well maybe three things, that are certain in this life — death, taxes, and periods… at least for women. For many individuals, not only do they experience heavy bleeding during this time, but also intense period cramps.  “Period cramps are caused by chemicals called prostaglandins that are released by the uterus,” says Dr. Jessica Ryniec, double board-certified OB/GYN and fertility specialist. “Prostaglandins are released when the lining is shed during menses and they make the uterus contract, reducing blood flow to the uterus, causing pain." Tips and tricks for relieving period cramps at...

Casey Clark • Apr 23, 2024